I am a leadership coach, speaker and facilitator.

I am here to inspire and empower future leaders to find their authentic gifts, navigate their professional and personal life, and to create workplaces where people can thrive.


The summer of 2021 I quit my safe job as a Senior Manager in a consultancy firm, left a high paying job, a promising career and safe surroundings to follow a passion that was burning inside me. This passion had its origin in some hard life lessons, set backs, and some of the most difficult and confusing years of my grown up life. I had everything, but I was living a life that was no longer serving me and I realized I am the only one who can change it. 

Two years earlier, I got burned out and found myself without joy in life, and overwhelmed by the simplest thing like paying a bill. I had left the “perfect” life I had created through my twenties, battled a divorce, and held my career and social life together to never let anyone down… but myself. 

This led me on a journey of sharing openly the experiences to colleagues and friends. 

Suddenly I was not only someone strong, talented with unlimited capacity to handle the complexity of a high pressure job and all the social expectations put on us. I was relatable, human and someone that didn't always handle it all… I was authentic. This was the leader and person I wanted to be!

My passion comes from this - that I believe this is far too common. High performers are unconsciously driven by insecurity. I want to inspire more professionals and leaders to be more authentic, and lead with greater impact. I want to create teams and organizations with more trust and psychological safety to meet the complexity of business life and switching demands. And for you to lead yourself with greater awareness, and measure success if you live in integrity to your values and passions. 

… and hey - I am currently creating my own dream job, living on my purpose and doing something I love! 💛

My purpose


Animo was created to inspire and create transformation in people, teams and organizations for them to thrive in the future. It is based on the values of courage and vulnerability which I believe is vital for future leaders.Through this you can lead more consciously and live more fully. 

Animo is a latin word for courage. Courage and vulnerability is tightly related in the personal and organisational space. If we show up with our imperfections as leaders, or in the workplace in general we are attainable and open, as well as admirable. This fuels trust and connection between people that we need to innovate, change and adapt.

Animo is also used in Spanish to encourage or inspire someone to overcome a challenge. It denotes courage and persistence to not give up. This is what I want to support in the people or teams I work with as a coach or consultant. 

I am inspired by the research of Brene Brown and other researchers in the field of leadership and organizational psychology. But I am also inspired by the people I meet, deep conversations, the experiences I have had as an employee, female leader, friend and partner. And I am grateful for the lessons I have learned - it has created Animo! 

Get in touch


Certifications and training


The Leadership Circle TM

Collective Leadership Assessment TM

Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. 

Design thinking and innovation (training PwC)

MSP (Managing successful programs)

Prince2 Foundation (Project Management)

Work background


Animo AS, Founder and CEO (2021 - )

PwC, Senior Manager,  Consulting (2015 - 2021)

Sopra Steria, Business Consulting (2012 - 2015)

Educational background


MSc Leadership and Organizational Psychology, BI Norwegian Business School

Bachelor in Public Sector Organization and leadership, University of Bergen